Efforts towards quality have passed through stages such as craftsmanship, quality control, total quality control and reached process and product designs. Today, it continues with practices such as ISO 9000 and Total Quality Management.

Total quality is a management philosophy that aims to exceed customer expectations, supports teamwork, and ensures that all processes are reviewed and improved. It is an effective system that combines the quality development, quality maintenance and quality improvement efforts of different groups in an organization in order to realize production and service at the most economical level, taking into account customer satisfaction.


The ISO 9000 standard, which provides a general framework for the management of quality, creates an environment of trust between companies, giving the customer confidence in the consistency of all services and products. It is also intended to provide guidance on how an effective management system can be established, documented and maintained, to create an environment of trust between companies, to ensure, maintain, and improve product / service quality by managing processes, and to give customers confidence in the consistency of products and services.